I got interested to manage our Farm’s construction in December 2021 and wanted to shift to Pushkar excitedly in January 2022. I had recently quit my job at Udayy and wanted to live at the farm and build a safe space with values and comfort. I wished to supervise everything that came and went out of the farm to avoid cheating and bring transparency, but mostly I wanted to feel good.
It was in November 2022 that I could finally shift to Pushkar. I’ve learned that there is a time for everything and January 2022 was not mine even though I really thought it was.

Over the course of the last 8 months that I’ve lived at the farm, multiple lessons have come my way and I’m proud to say I’ve survived so long and it doesn’t scare me anymore (sometimes it still does)
When I read APJ Abdul Kalam’s Ignited Minds, many things touched my heart and ignited my mind. One such incident happens when APJ Abdul Kalam talks to a gathering of class 12 students, and a question comes up: “Who is our enemy?”
There were many answers, but the one everyone agreed was correct came from a student named Sneha Thakkar. “Our enemy is poverty.”
Business is not tricky, people aren't either. Their circumstances are.
Everyone says and I’ve experienced it myself, construction business is a hassle because a lot of money is at stake and so much of it is misused. At present, I work with 3 contractors for different areas of the farm, you can imagine what hassle I must be in.
I don’t want to talk about the details of multiple incidents that happen on a regular basis when it comes to money vs. the quality of work done, I just want to say, hard work is the solution. And it solves better when you have a constant source of guidance. We live in a world where doing anything has become tricky without a mentor. A mentor can help us focus on what’s correct for us as individuals, as groups, and of course, as a nation.
I have felt a constant lack of consistent mentorship in my journey. I’m not saying people haven’t tried helping, they have. My own journey of asking for help has been challenging.
All I’m saying is, it’s tough when the help is not constant.
My parents have been with me on this journey from day 1 and they have tried to help and they still do in whatever way possible. We all agree as a family that most people have forgotten how to deal with fairness, let alone values and ethics.
I had no idea I would ever think about counseling from a business angle, but I do now.
I think it is something I would spend money on. Some hardcore honest advice is worth it.
That is what therapy is, right?
The farm process series have been about the process of building a farm stay with my family, sharing our struggles along with successes, and it’s been so valuable for me because it helps me understand things better and motivates me to keep going. I hope it brings value to you too.
I’ve heard many things about the good life but one that made the most sense to me is, "The good life is good health, education, the freedom to pursue your goals, and above all, your peace of mind." Farm Aavjo hopes for you a good life.
We are getting closer month by month. After some more hard work, we’ll be taking advance bookings for September. Thank you for being a part of this intimate venture, I’m so happy to have you with us.
Farm Aavjo Saa.

Jaipur Ghat, Pushkar